OLIVIA's Kitchen
Or what the cook saw of twelfth night
based on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Adapted by R. David Valayre
Directed by R. David Valayre & Ket Watters
March 7, 8, 14 & 15, at 7:30 p.m.
March 9 at 3:00 p.m.
March 16 at 4:00 p.m.
March 10 & 17 at 2:30 p.m.
The Southside Theater, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco
Click below for the video trailer
spring 2019
Video Trailer of GenerationTheatre's 2018 production of Olivia's Kitchen
Videography by David Wilson
A Twelfth Night of Resilience
At the time of the London Blitz, Viola, who barely survived a shipwreck in the North Atlantic, turns herself into a boy, Cesario, to enter the service of Duke Orsino. Cesario is given the mission of conveying Orsino’s undying admiration to Countess Olivia. Olivia’s kitchen, half destroyed by the Blitz, is the meeting place of a rainbow of hopelessly human characters – the “lighter people,” the servants.
And then, as if the war were not enough, enter Love: Orsino loves Olivia – Viola loves Orsino – Antonio loves Sebastian – Olivia loves Viola, thinking she´s Cesario – Sebastian loves Olivia, thinking she´s a dream – Malvolio loves status, and power, thinking Olivia loves him – Sir Andrew loves dancing, fencing, and bear-baiting – Sir Toby loves drinking, and money, and herrings – Maria loves Toby, and Feste, and Fabian – Fabian loves a good jest – Curio loves to watch . . .
It´s madness!
It´s Twelfth Night!
Or What You Will...
R. David Valayre
R. David Valayre & Ket Watters
Alan Badger as Feste
Abhishek Das as Orsino
Joyce Domanico-Huh as Viola
Fabien Ferhani as Fabian
John Frediani as Antonio
Marion Lovinger as Curio
Deborah Murphy as Olivia
Andrew Page as Sir Andrew
Karen Sellinger as Maria
R. David Valayre as Malvolio
Ket Watters as Sir Toby Belch
Natalie Watters as Sebastian
Katrina van Winkle
Jonathan Loo
Production Consultant,
Costume Design & Makeup
Vishalini Mona Vimal
Photos & Video
David Wilson
A GenerationTheatre Presentation